
A delegation of attorneys from Nebraska visited Macedo Vitorino's premises on May 16, 2022.  

The group came to Portugal in the context of a CLE Abroad Program - CLE Abroad is an American Organization dedicated to promoting international exchange for US Lawyers by partnering with US Bar Associations and other legal organizations. CLE stands for Continuing Legal Education

MV Partner Guilherme Dray received the group, presented them a general overview the Portuguese Legal System and discussed briefly the impact of Covid-19 in Portugal and particularly how it affected labor relations, as well as being one of the scientific coordinators of the Green Paper on the Future of Work

MV Partner Cláudia Fernandes Martins, and Senior Associate Cláudia Trindade also provided a lecture on Women's/ Gender Issues: the impact of Portuguese culture on a Woman's career, particularly for Women in Law; and what it is like to be a service provider when it comes to motherhood and childcare.

Both lawyers also spoke a little bit about themselves, what brought them to the legal field and talked briefly about Portuguese Law Practice compared to Law Practice in other European countries, in their experience.

This lecture was moderated, designed and planned by Simona Segundo, former trainee lawyer at Macedo Vitorino and current Head of Communications. Simona is also part of the CLE Abroad Portugal Team. 

Thank you CLE Abroad and Nebraska State Bar Association! 

Today, May 29, 2019, almost a year after the entry into force of the new general data protection regime, the GDPR | Open Morning event was held at Macedo Vitorino & Associados' auditorium, led by our lawyer Cláudia Martins, a specialist in data protection.
This event dedicated to the GDPR theme included an overview of the last year. The structure followed a model different than usual: Cláudia Martins began by presenting a set of guidelines for organizations to follow an implementation plan for the GDPR, followed by a Q&A dedicated exclusively to the questions of guests who also had the chance to share their experiences about the GDPR. 
About the GDPR implementation plan, presented in the first part of the event, our lawyer was very clear on what she thinks is the ideal method to follow, dividing it into three phases: the diagnosis and analysis phase - which translates into a set of tasks and recommendations to be adopted; the policies and procedures phase - in which policies/procedures and processes regarding the protection of personal data within the organization should be created or reviewed; and finally, the training and monitoring phase - crucial to raise employee awareness and which should be ensured on an ongoing basis. After this analysis, he warned that the implementation of the GDPR is continuous: it needs to be revised, especially because technology is constantly evolving, so what is effective now will not necessarily be effective in the future.
In the second part of the event it was time for our guests to speak. Several questions and debates arose: how to deal with the image right of employees, particularly on the company's Facebook page; how to articulate the right to be forgotten/deleted with the need for organizations to keep an archive/history; how to distinguish a person responsible for data treatment from a subcontractor; how long should a company keep an employee's log; and some of the aspects of the latest version of the GDPR bill - in short, a number of issues that made this morning dynamic and interactive, but above all, enlightening.
Cláudia Martins answered all questions clearly - from the simplest to the most complex. Many others were left unanswered, but certainly there will be no shortage of opportunities in the future for clarifications and sharing of experiences that will enrich everyone in the task of implementing the GDPR.
You can find supporting documentation on this topic in the study "Regime de Proteção de Dados - o que mudou sobre dados pessoais", and in the articles "Regulamento Geral da Proteção de Dados - Seis Meses depois" and "Regulamento Europeu de Proteção de Dados Pessoais - As sete medidas que as empresas devem adotar"*, which we hope to be useful. 
*This event was available in Portuguese only.

On January 16, Macedo Vitorino & Associados, in collaboration with Amcham - American Chamber of Commerce, will hold the event "Os Dados estão lançados: "Follow up" do RGPD"*.
Cláudia Martins, senior lawyer at Macedo Vitorino, certified by the IAPP as 'Certified Information Privacy Professional/ Europe' (CIPP/E) will be a speaker and will address issues related to the current context of the GDPR implementation in SMEs, the impact of the new rules for SMEs, how to prevent/act in case of data breaches, and will also share some recommendations.
This event will take place from 10am to 12pm at the Macedo Vitorino & Associados Auditorium, in Lisbon.
The event is open to the public and registration is required here.

*This event was available in Portuguese only.


(“Macedo Vitorino explica os desafios do RGPD na mediação imobiliária”)*
On November 29, Macedo Vitorino & Associados will participate in the 2nd edition of the IMOCIONATE iTEC event, which will take place at the Lisbon Congress Center.
Invited by UCI - a financial institution specialized in providing mortgage loans through real estate professionals - lawyer Cláudia Martins will be a speaker at the session «Os desafios do RGPD na mediação imobiliária» ("The challenges of GDPR in real estate mediation"), that intends to present the impact that the General Data Protection Regulation has on the daily life of real estate agents.
IMOCIONATE iTEC is an event that brings together real estate brokerage in a day of sessions and lectures focused on the debate about the latest trends and best practices and solutions that allow real estate brokerage to face the challenges of the current context. It is a global, multi-brand and independent event that aims at bringing together various views and opinions so that the diversity of experiences results in an enrichment that enhances not only the development of real estate mediation but also the sustainable growth of the sector.

*This event was available in Portuguese only.


(“Macedo Vitorino convida o cliente «Human Talent» a partilhar a sua experiência sobre o RGPD no 28.º Congresso da APDC”)*
Macedo Vitorino & Associados was invited by APDC to challenge one of its clients to share their experience regarding the implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) at the Digital Business Congress.
Especially for this session, Macedo Vitorino invited "Human Talent", a consulting company in the areas of specialized outsourcing, (hospital) patient support programs, consulting and digital marketing, to participate in the panel dedicated to "Regulation and Data Protection". In this panel, Isabel Escarigo, "Human Talent" managing director, along with other guests, will discuss and analyze the multiple challenges and new obligations imposed by the GDPR, presenting the strategies used to ensure compliance with the new rules.
Learn more details and how to register for the 28th edition of this Congress, organized by APDC, which will take place on September 26 at 12:15 pm, in the Almada Negreiros room at Centro Cultural de Belém, in Lisbon.
If you want to know more about GDPR and the measures to be adopted you can find in our "survival kit" useful information and documentation on the subject, including the study prepared by the law firm "GDPR - The seven measures that companies should adopt".

*This event was available in Portuguese only.


("Macedo Vitorino explica o RGPD a Federações Desportivas")*
Macedo Vitorino & Associados was invited by Católica-Lisbon and Deloitte to participate, yesterday, in the Promentor-Desporto program session dedicated to data protection, which had the Sports Federations as audience.
With the entry into force of the new legal regime on data protection, that will change profoundly the daily life of Sports Federations, the main goal was raise awareness about the impact that the General Data Protection Regulation will have on the life of Federations.
The lawyer Cláudia Martins highlighted what should be done in order to comply with the new rules, the consequences in cases of non-compliance, and the role of the "Data Protection Officer".
Access the presentation on data protection applied to Sports Federations in: "Accessing #4 - RGPD".

*This event was available in Portuguese only.


(“Macedo Vitorino explica "O que podem as empresas fazer até maio de 2018 para fazer face às alterações introduzidas pelo RGPD?"”)*
Macedo Vitorino & Associados was invited by Associação Académica da Faculdade de Direito de Lisboa (AAFDL), to participate in the I AAFDL Congress dedicated to the topic "Technology Law".
Cláudia Martins, senior lawyer at Macedo Vitorino and recently certified by the IAPP as 'Certified Information Privacy Professional/ Europe' (CIPP/E) will be a speaker at the panel on “Proteção de Dados e Cloud Computing” ("Data Protection and Cloud Computing") and will talk about what companies can do until May 2018 to face the changes introduced by the RGPD.
This conference is free of charge and will take place on February 23 and 24 in the FDUL auditorium.
More details about the program in the PDF. Those interested may register through the link: https://goo.gl/WY4STw

*This event was available in Portuguese only.

(“Macedo Vitorino participou no “Breaking GDPR: Become a Master”, promovido pela Microsoft”)*
The biggest event on the new General Data Protection Regulation, "Breaking GDPR: Become a Master", took place today at Centro de Congressos de Lisboa.
In the session dedicated to 'Marketing and Customer Service' Cláudia Martins, lawyer certified in data protection (CIPP/E) by IAPP, in partnership with Unipartner, addressed the main changes and clarified the audience’s doubts.
Companies and public entities are now responsible for the interpretation and operationalization of personal data protection rules and for ensuring and demonstrating their compliance before the National Commission for Data Protection (CNPD – Comissão Nacional de Proteção de Dados).
Read in the pdf the main key messages about the new General Data Protection Regulation.
Here you can also access the more detailed study: "RGDP - As sete medidas que as empesas devem adotar" ("GDPR - The seven measures that companies should adopt").
*This event was available in Portuguese only.
(“Macedo Vitorino debate proteção de dados na Microsoft”)*
Macedo Vitorino & Associados was invited by Microsoft to participate in the event "Breaking GDPR: Become a Master", which will take place on the morning of January 30 at Centro de Congressos de Lisboa.
Cláudia Fernandes Martins will represent Macedo Vitorino in the session dedicated to 'Marketing and Customer Service', held with the promoting entity, Microsoft, and with the partner Unipartner.
This session will discuss the challenges and opportunities that the General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR") imposes, while aiming to help companies' Marketing and Customer Service departments deconstructing GDPR.
We remind you that GDPR will come into force on May 25, 2018.
Entrance in this event is free, but subject to registration here.
*This event was available in Portuguese only.

(“O Regulamento Europeu de Proteção de Dados aplicado às Startups”)*
Do you know what changes with the new European Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)?
Under the scope of IT law, and promoted by Macedo Vitorino & Associados in partnership with DNA Cascais, this workshop is for all entrepreneurs seeking to understand the main new features of the new GDPR, measures to be adopt in their Startup and the implications of this new Regulation.
We will have Cláudia Fernandes Martins, senior lawyer at Macedo Vitorino & Associados as a speaker.
You can register until November 13. The entrance is free but subject to registration: here.

*This event was available in Portuguese only.


Cláudia Martins, a lawyer at Macedo Vitorino & Associados, was invited to be a speaker on Digital Business Congress’ conference “Regulação e Proteção de Dados: que Desafios e Impactos?”* ("Regulation and Data Protection: which challenges and impacts?”) on September 28, at 11a.m., in Centro Cultural de Belém.
This panel will discuss and analyze the multiple challenges and new obligations imposed by the new General Data Protection Regulation in order to ensure individuals an effective protection.
Learn more details and how to register for the 27th edition of this Congress, organized by the Portuguese Authority for the Development of Communications (APDC).
Macedo Vitorino has also promoted conferences and made reports on “RGDP - As sete medidas que as empesas devem adotar” ("RGDP - The seven measures that companies must adopt").

*This event was available in Portuguese only. 


“Um ano para o novo Regulamento Europeu de Proteção de Dados Pessoais”* ("One year to the new General Data Protection Regulation") was the theme of the conference held today in the auditorium of Macedo Vitorino & Associados.
The main goal of this event was to raise awareness amongst companies and their decision makers regarding the new amendments to GDPR, while seeking to address, from a practical and multidisciplinary perspective (legal, human resources, technology and IT), the main measures to be adopted.
You may access the presentation here.

*This event was available in Portuguese only.


("A Macedo Vitorino explica o que muda com o novo Regulamento Europeu de Proteção de Dados")*
The new European Personal Data Protection Regulation will come into force on May 25, 2018. It will bring significant changes to personal data protection and impact greatly companies’ day-to-day life.
In order to raise awareness amongst companies and their decision-makers about the new changes, Macedo Vitorino & Associados, in a partnership with Ambisig and Baker Tilly, is doing a conference on the subject on May 25, precisely one year before the regulation enters into force.
With the presence and partnership of experienced speakers, the conference will address, from a practical and multidisciplinary perspective (legal, human resources, technology and IT), the main measures to be adopted by companies so they can be prepared in advance.
Learn more about the theme and watch the Conference here.

*This event was available in Portuguese only.


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