Since the formation of the firm in 1996 we have invested in promoting human rights through the cooperation with local and international organizations devoted, among other things, to the care of children in need, to the reduction of poverty or to fighting disease and inequality in Portugal and throughout the world.
We have an open partnership and offer equal opportunities to all our employees regardless of sex, religion, sexual preference etc. We have continuously reduced our carbon foot print by purchasing the most efficient equipment, using electronic data storage and other means of saving energy and actively improving our energy, water and waste management policies. We have zero tolerance for bribery and corruption and have implemented internal proceedings to ensure the transparency of payments made from and to the firm's accounts and to protect us against money-laundering practices. We help non-profit organizations and institutions by providing free legal services. We promote volunteer work and develop campaigns to make others aware of the needs of those around us.
In 2013 we adhered to the United Nations Global Compact with a view of taking upon ourselves concrete and objective obligations and to measure ourselves by the highest standards. We are committed to live by and to actively promote the 10 Principles of the United Nations Global Compact.
We believe that we have an obligation to do more than what we have done in the past and wish to set objective and measurable goals to be achieved before the end of the decade. We do it simply because we believe this is the right thing to do.
The following is a list of the charities we support:
• Re-Food