
Joana Fuzeta da Ponte

Joana is an associate at MACEDO VITORINO since 2019. Her practice specializes in labour law. Joana provides legal assistance to national public and private companies. She also collaborates in the preparation of reports and legal information for clients of the private sector and the State’s public business sector related to labour law. She participates in legal audit processes, also related to labour law, monitoring the workflow in the context of Collective Negotiation in labour law, specifically the negotiation of collective labour regulatory instruments, for public and private companies. Joana is part of MACEDO VITORINO's Compliance team, working in the area of Employment Compliance. 

Joana is attending the train-the-trainer course, approved by the “Instituto de Emprego e Formação Profissional”. 

Joana is a Member of the Portuguese Bar Association (registration number 61747L) and admitted to the Portuguese Supreme Court of Justice.

Telephone: +351 21 324 1906

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  • Labor Law
  • Labor Litigation 
  • Compliance
  • Graduate in Law from Lisbon University (2016)
  • Master’s in Forensic Legal Sciences from Lisbon University (2019)
  • Attending a postgraduate in personal data protection from Lisbon University (completion of the academic part in 2020)
  • Attending a postgraduate in Labour and Social Security Law Lisbon University 

“Very strong team with extensive knowledge of employment law in Portugal.” 

“The firm has a very proactive way of working, establishing the scenario and the different potential outcomes. The team responded promptly to queries and was extremely available during the process.” 

“Both Guilherme Dray and Joana Fuzeta da Ponte were extremely professional. The team’s negotiation skills are very good as well. There was a permanent concern of keeping the client informed of the different directions the process could take.” 

Legal 500 

  • “Promoção da igualdade de género: Mais do que uma obrigação, um benefício para as empresas”, Advogar, dezembro de 2020
  • “A regulamentação do teletrabalho na contratação coletiva”, Advogar, 2020 
  • “Estou em teletrabalho. Sou responsável pelas despesas relacionadas com o exercício da minha atividade?”, Advogar, 2020
  • “Os acidentes de trabalho existem em teletrabalho? Saiba o que diz a lei”, HumanResources Portugal, 2020
  • “Estou em layoff. O que acontece às minhas férias?”, Eco, 2020
  • “Organização do Tempo de Trabalho: No mesmo caminho – Alterações ao Código do Trabalho e desafios futuros da OIT”, Advogar, 2020
  • “Fringe benefits”, Advogar, 2020 
  • “A antidopagem no desporto”, Gymania, 2020
  • “Impactos da nova legislação laboral na negociação coletiva”, Advocatus, 2020
  • “O regime da videovigilância à luz do Código do Trabalho e as novas formas sobre proteção de dados pessoais”, Advogar, 2019
  • “Mobbing in the wokplace as a work accident”, Macedo Vitorino, 2019
  • “Proteção na doença, desemprego e parentalidade”, Advocatus, 2019
  • “Formas flexíveis de tempo de trabalho”, Advogar, 2019 
  • “Assédio moral como acidente de trabalho”, Advogar, 2019
  • “A (Des)proteção do alto rendimento”, Federação Portuguesa de Ginástica, 2019 
  • “A importância de uma convenção coletiva de trabalho”, Dinheiro Vivo, 2019
  • “O GPS como meio de vigilância à distância do trabalhador”, Advogar, 2018
  • Portuguese
  • English